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The Long Beach Unified School District has partnered with LBCC (Long Beach City College) and the MATE (Marine Advanced Technology Education) Center to bring an experience like no other to Jackie Robinson Academy. This collaborative project provides students at Jackie Robinson Academy with an amazing opportunity to participate in an annual JROB Spring ROV Experience. The JROB Spring ROV Experience is a STEM Program, which highlights content areas such as Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

JROB’s ROV program will teach students problem solving skills, teamwork, Density & Buoyancy, Archimedes Principle, how to solder and wire tethered remotes and design remotely operated aquatic vehicles. Participating students will design ROV’s (remotely operated vehicles) with their fellow teammates to compete in the Southern California Regional Flyoff ROV competition at Long Beach City College in the Spring. Robinson is one of a few middle schools in the Long Beach Unified School District that offers a program geared specifically for students who are interested in aquatic robotics. Interested students should contact Mr. Jones